Exigen monitoring system
configuration, section II.
Cisco repository (CCR) Configuration.
Stage I (system configuration) must be completed, system have correct name, IP, dns resolvers are configured, e-mail is configured; you have user account and account in ‘snmpstat’ system.
Cisco repository system (CCR) provides tftp service (both Upload and Download) for Cisco routers (switches, firewalls and so on), automate configuration downloading, saves configurations into the CVS, track configuration changes, provides read access to configurations by the WEB.
It supports cisco routers with IOS, Catalist switches with IOS and CatSys, PIX firewalls, Cisco VPN servers. In some cases, small adjustment may be required for the system scripts, or you should set up correct prompts on the router.
For simplicity, we will use ‘router’ below, which can be replaced by switch or firewall.
Table of content:
2. Selecting login policy and
configuring access login and password.
3. Adding password information into
the CCR.
4. Edit default access
5. Adding new router into CCR
6. Saving router configuration in CCR:
7. Using CCR for configuration
tracking and making updates.
APPENDIX I. Internal CCR structure.
router/switch/firewall maintanance.
See an example of test session below:
alex@amur.amc.portera.com 101>telnet SJCTRAIN-SW-1
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Cisco Systems Console
Username: monitor
SJCTRAIN-SW-1> enable
Enter password:
SJCTRAIN-SW-1> (enable) ping is alive
SJCTRAIN-SW-1> (enable)
Notice: current version of CCR (1.1) does not allow
configuring IP address for the router – name must resolve into the address. It
should be fixed in next releases.
CCR requires user login, user password, and enable password to get access to the router and save configuration (and to acquire information in informational commands). Keeping passwords in clear text is not a good idea. So, CCR offer a few ways to get this information.
You must select one of these access methods. For testing, we
recommend to start with method 1 – Public Key.
Notice: no matter, which
method do you use, skilled root user can always learn passwords by changing CCR
scripts and waiting for the next system usage by operator. So, it is much more
important to restrict access to the management server (esp. root access) and
run good IDS system, than to choose Manual or Passphrase method.
PeblicKey(RSA) and PassPhrase logins are stored in passwd files in encrypted form. Default is usually ‘DEFAULT.pwd’. When you add / change a router, you select one of this files and assign it to this router. The same files can be used for both (1) and (2) methods, CCR distinguish PublicKey and PassPhrase methods by file format.
There is not any way to see content of this file,
using web. Network operators can use password files or change them, but can not
see user names and passwords. CCR never shows such information.
Local unix users:
System root can decrypt password file, only if he knows passphrase (for
method 2) or public key location (for method 1). Non root users can not read
password files at all.
Before adding a router, it is better to create authernication (Password) file for it. Many routers can share one password file, if they have the same authentication source (the same login names and passwords). On the other hand, you can create and use as much this files as you wish. Skip this step, if you wish to use method (3) /manual login configuration/ for the routers. You can do this step AFTER creating router, using method (3) for the first tests.
Open CCR window. You will see something like this (with 1 – 2 test objects instead of a real list of routers from my example):
To create new password file (or edit existing one), click on Edit password file button (top of CCR screen):
Now, fill in input fields:
- Check Create checkbox;
- Enter file name (without suffix);
- Enter passphrase (2 times, must match) , if you wish to use PassPhrase method (it unchecks RSA key checkbox automatically); do not change this line for PublicKey (RSA) method;
- Enter user name. Can be skipped, if your router do not ask user name;
- Enter user password (2 times, must match);
- Enter enable password (2 times, must match).
- Click APPLY.
- Verify results (see below) and click RETURN.
To change existing file, select it in selection list (and do not check Create).
To delete existing file, select it, check Confirm delete
checkbox, and click DELETE.
Remember – you cannot see content of password file,
you can only replace it or delete it.
You must edit default settings to adjust server’s IP address, default access protocol and so on. Open CCR window and click on EDIT button in the Default Setting line:
Change TFTP server IP to IP address of your server. Set up default password file (you can change it when configure individual routers). Set up default access protocol. Click on APPLY. Do not delete .default object.
You can add devices in batch mode, using unix script
on the server. It can be used to make initial configuration in the big network.
This method is not described here.
Now, you can add new router. Open CCR screen, and click on Add new device into depository (to add new router) or on EDIT (to edit / delete router):
Fill in, at least, fields marked by ‘*’:
- Device Name – device name (1 word), which should be resolvable into IP address (this limitation will be withdrawn in next release);
- IP Address – this is SRC address of TFTP packets FROM device to the server (in future, one of this addresses should be used for device access);
Other fields:
- protocol – telnet or slogin. CCR can try both, so you can keep it empty;
- TFTP server IP – destination IP for this server, relative to the device (router). In most cases, it is server’s IP; but, in case of NAT translation, it can be translated server’s address. Keep it empty, if it is server’s address.
- Password file – reference to the file, configured in previous step (on of such files).
- Additional options – used to enter non-standard options (for example, NO-SAVE=”1” means ‘do not save configuration for this device – for example, it is saved manually).
Now, click ‘APPLY’. You will see a new router on main CCR window.
To edit router parameters, clock on EDIT. For example:
Change parameters (to delete IP address, check Del box)
and APPLY; to delete it, check Confirm
delete and click on APPLY.
To check configuration, try to save configuration into CCR. Open CCR window, check Select box for new device, and click on Read Configuration… button. You will see next window:
- Enter comment, it is used for CVS and is mandatory (CCR 1.1 does not place this comment into the CVS due to the bug);
- If you use PublicKey method, click Start Download;
- If you use passphrase or mixed mode (some devices use PublicKey and others uses passphrase), enter passphrase and click Start Download;
- If you use manual login configuration, enter user, password and enable information and click Start Download.
If everything is correct, you will see a protocol like this (here it is for 1 device):
Saving configuration from SJCTRAIN-SW-2 (reason: xxx)
|/var/CISCO/bin/SAVE_CONFIG -m 'xxx' -p SJCTRAIN-SW-2
spawn telnet SJCTRAIN-SW-2
Connected to SJCTRAIN-SW-2.net.exigengroup.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
User Access Verification
Username: Kerberos: No default realm defined for Kerberos!
SJCTRAIN-SW-2#write net
Remote host []?
Name of configuration file to write [sjctrain-sw-2-confg]? .running.SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf
Write file .running.SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf on host [confirm]
Building configuration...
Writing .running.SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf !! [OK]
Saving CISCO / PIX / SWITCH configuration
Saving config for SJCTRAIN-SW-2
FIle name to open=/var/CISCO/tftpboot/hosts/.default/.conf/options.conf
FIle name to open=/var/CISCO/tftpboot/hosts/SJCTRAIN-SW-2/.conf/options.conf
Using the following options:
cmd=|/usr/local/bin/sudo /var/CISCO/etc/PROD-SAVE.cwd -host SJCTRAIN-SW-2 -ip -enc_pass /var/CISCO/etc/.conf/DEFAULT.inf -proto telnet -p
chmod 0640 SJCTRAIN-SW-2/SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf
chown monitor,monitor SJCTRAIN-SW-2/SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf
unlink SJCTRAIN-SW-2/.running.SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf
CVS: |
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that everything works well from very first attempt, so you will see, more likely, something like this (passphrase was not correct):
spawn telnet SJCTRAIN-SW-2
Connected to SJCTRAIN-SW-2.net.exigengroup.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
User Access Verification
*** FALURE - USER name was not defined, exitting...
Saving CISCO / PIX / SWITCH configuration
Saving config for SJCTRAIN-SW-2
FIle name to open=/var/CISCO/tftpboot/hosts/.default/.conf/options.conf
FIle name to open=/var/CISCO/tftpboot/hosts/SJCTRAIN-SW-2/.conf/options.conf
Using the following options:
cmd=|/usr/local/bin/sudo /var/CISCO/etc/PROD-SAVE.cwd -host SJCTRAIN-SW-2 -ip -enc_pass /var/CISCO/etc/.conf/PWD.IMAX.inf -proto telnet
chmod 0640 SJCTRAIN-SW-2/SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf
chown monitor,monitor SJCTRAIN-SW-2/SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf
unlink SJCTRAIN-SW-2/.running.SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf
CVS: |
In this case, you should verify configuration download manually. Step by step:
- Login onto the server;
- Telnet or slogin into router, using its name as you configured in CCR;
- Enter user name and password as you configured;
- Enter enable as you configured;
- Save configuration onto the server, using it’s IP address as you configured it. Use file name SERVER_NAME.conf (for example, SJCTRAIN-SW-2.conf for SJCTRAIN-SW-2 switch).
Possible reasons of failure:
- You cannot login into router (it is easy to troubleshoot). Try method (3) to verify, is a problem in your password file or somewhere else.
- You configured very non-standard prompt on the router – each prompt must end up with ‘$’ or ‘#’ or ‘>’ symbol.
- Router have not TFTP access to the server (check firewall logs);
- You used wrong IP address, when configured access (do not forget – you can configure few IP addresses for 1 router). To verify it, look into tftp logs, or connect back from router to the server (using, for example, telnet server 22) and determine IP address, running netstat –n command.
- Something wrong with permissions or configuration:
a. Go to /var/CISCO/tftpboot / directory;
b. See, if directory exists with name = IP address of your router;
c. Go to this directory (it will be symlink) and verify, that it has configuration file (empty on this stage) with name router_name.conf (where router_name is name of router), and this file is open for writing.
CCR allows both, configuration saving and browsing, and
router updates. It provides rad and write TFTP service for the routers. Every
router has it’s own directory (which is determined by IP addresses). Directory /var/CISCO/tftpboots
contains symlinks (with names equal to IP addresses) to real
directories, located at /var/CISCO/tftpbot/hosts. Every directory
contains configuration file, with name the same as router_name.conf (it
prevents possible errors in IP addresses – if IP address is wrong, tftp will
not find such file and will not write out configuration), change history
directory, and placeholder for update file. Configurations can be seen by
CVSWEB – just open CCR window and click on cvs link:
To upload anything to the router, place it into the same directory and use tftp with a simple file name (without any directories and without / prefix). We recommend to use SAMBA for access to this directories – just create a symlink in your home directory, and configure SAMBA.
CCR is located in directory /var/CISCO, and uses standard tftp server of FreeBSD, running it as:
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd –s /var/CISCO/tftpboot -c -l -u monitor
In this mode, tftp change directory to /var/CISCO/tftpboot/SRC_IP every time, when it receives packet frim SRC_IP source, so limiting every router to it’s own directory.
On the other hand, CCR interacts with HTTP server on port 8100, which is running as monitor, so most files are owned by monitor:monitor user.
File structure:
/var/CISCO/bin :
SAVE_ALL – script, which
saves all configurations daily and sends change report;
SAVE_CONFIG list_of_routers
– saves configuration for this routers;
create_host.sh – allows to
create hosts in batch mode;
All other scripts
are used to collect different information and are not described here (they are
experimental for now).
a. PROD-SAVE.cwd –
main send/expect script;
b. RUN-cmd – read
only send/expect script (it uses DEFAULT password file always);
c. .conf – password
configurations (directory).
cvs repository for the system;
/var/CISCO/tftpboot – base directory for tftp.
/var/CISCO/tftpboot/hosts have a few
different objects inside:
ALL-logs – directory for
daily logs;
.default – pseudo – router
which keeps defaults for other hosts;
router_name – depository for every router.
For every router, system creates in /var/CISCO/tftpboot:
– home
directory for tftp, which contains all configurations for this router and is a root’
when you makes tftp transactions;
IP_ADDRESS – symlinks to the home directory, which
maps IP address and router directory together.
hosts/router_name/.conf/options.conf - router access options;
hosts/router_name/.status – status of last
configuration download.
hosts/router_name/router_name.conf – configuration
fil, used for downloading and containing last saved configuration.
It is very important, that all directories
under tftpboot , etc/.conf and cvs are owned by monitor:monitor,
to allow CGI scripts work as a monitor.
There are 2 files, which contain critical
security information and must be root only readable:
contain private key for password-less access in case, if you use PublicKey
password storage method.
/var/CISCO/etc/.conf/.pf – this file can be created and
contain passphrase, if you want to use passphrase password encryption but run
automated daily scripts (SAVE_ALL).
System uses sudo to run send-expect
script as a root:
And this script (and ONLY this
script) have access to .pf file or to private key.
Main command is SAVE_CONFIG [options]
[list_of_routers] and Web operation Save configurations into repository.
How it works (all names are relative to /var/CISCO):
For every router, read default options from tftpboot/hosts/.default/.conf
read router specific options from tftpboot/hosts/router_name/.conf/options.conf
Send/Expect script, which decrypts password file (if necessary), logins to the
router and request saving configuration onto the network;
daemon allows saving configuration ONLY into the router specific directory (due
to IP_ADDRESS symlink) and only into the file router_name.conf.
configuration is saved, system remove some variable lines from it (such as
timer clocks, which changes during NTP adjustment) and open passwords (for
Cisco VPN server, for example);
file is compared with previous configuration. If configuration changed, diff is
added into the log file (into both ‘local’ logs for this router and daily logs
for all routers) and saved into the CVS.
Notice: only cvs/CVS, tftpboot/CVS, tftpboot/hosts/CVS, and tftpboot/router_name/CVS
directories rely to the local CVS repository; other CVS directories refer to
the sources of the system and can be absent (depending on installation method).
1) Save configurations after any change:
on Save configurations… button;
save protocol and check status (on the first page).
2) review configurations and configuration
on cvs link for reviewed device;
colored diff and review changes, for example:
Set up daily change reports:
up PublicKey access method or write out etc/.conf/.pf (root access only)
file with passphrase;
/var/CISCO/bin/SAVE_ALL into the cron for user monitor
(recommended time: 23:30);
local alias, net-change, on your system. Script sends change repirts to
local user net-change.
Update IOS on device:
(link, or symlink) new IOS , Pix-Os or CatalistOs onto the device directory;
into device (router, firewall…) Download new OS onto device, using it’s name
without any prefixes, following standard upgrade procedure for this device.
Apply changes to device configuration from the file:
Create file with update (we recommend to name it update.conf);
Login to device and load this file (using conf net, for
After completing, rename update.conf file or delete it
(to exclude possible mistakes with this file).
Restoring old configuration in case of emergency.
onto the server; change user to ‘monitor’ (using ‘sudo’);
cd to device directory (for example,
Using WEB interface, find configuration version you’d like to restore;
extact this version, using ‘cvs update –r VERSION_NUMBER’;
Download this configuration into the device. Remember, that the
only way to make exact restoration is to conf over and then reload
(reboot device), simple conf net add new configuration to the old
After restoring configuration, update file to delete sticked
cvs update –r 1
Now, save configuration again using WEB interface or
SAVE_CONFIG router_name
It is little tricky,
because, when you restore old version, cvs stick version number to the file and
forbid file changes until you update it back to the main branch (-r 1).